Even though Jordan is continuing to learn more about driving a wheelchair, he is also working on his ability to be independent in other ways. He is working very hard to hold his head up while on his tummy for longer and longer periods of time. He is up to at least ten minutes at a time without wavering. He is also working on sitting, sit-to-stand at the parallel bars, and continuing to work on walking at the parallel bars with a great deal of help of course but he is definitely getting stronger.
He is developing more control over his whole body. He is relearning to point his fingers and to maneuver his hands. A friend loaned him a communicator and he is also learning how to communicate other than to "yes and no" questions. The progress is slow and painstaking but it is most definitely progress in every area. He has even been able to stay outside and play with his friends and siblings enough to get a little bit of a tan. Praise God for every little step forward!